Hipp Organic Bio Combiotic 2 & up is a healthful finish, whey based, tender baby drain, which is reasonable from their second birthday onwards. This tender natural recipe is uncommonly figured utilizing just the finest natural drain and contains Omega 3 and 6 LCPs (DHA and AA) and prebiotic oligosaccharides (GOS) and also all the imperative vitamins, minerals and different supplements (required by law) that infants need to become stable and sound.
Product Details
- 600g/21oz
- Easy to process
- Gluten Free
- No included wheat
- No added Egg
- No added shelled nut
- Original German Product with English clarification
- The included Prebiotic filaments (GOS) are giving when intoxicated day by day by Toddlers a sound intestinal verdure. The formula was shaped utilizing a good example of bosom sustained newborn children.