Carry-On Utility Trailer Soft Springs.
Our trailer carry-on soft springs for the 3.5' x 5' and 4’x6’ Trailer Carry-On sold by Lowes and others, is becoming a popular base for building Compact Camping and Multi-Sport trailers. The lightweight, reasonable cost and small footprint make them a perfect starting point.
They do have one drawback, a 1700 pound plus load capacity. This is notably higher than needed. It makes for a stiff riding trailer because you aren’t carrying enough weight to properly compress the springs.
Our springs reduce the load capacity to 900 lbs. This notably improves the ride by more closely matching the load capacity to the needs of a camping trailer.
These springs are a direct replacement for the Carry-On 3.5' x 5' and 4' x 6' Utility Trailer.
They may fit other angle iron utility trailers. To confirm if they will fit your trailer, check the distance between the center of the hanger bolt and center of the rear spring strap.
Distance needs to be 22 3/4" -1/8” 1/4”.
We recommend installing new U-bolts with your new springs.
If you are planning on moving your axle under the Springs to lift your trailer as part of the install, don’t forget a pair of for re-positioning your axle.