Baby Foot Spa Bundle Holiday Version is a perfect gift for a 1-week foot peel treatment, resulting in an even better foot peel experience.
- 1 Original Baby Foot Exfoliation Foot Peel (Lavender Scented)
o With 16 Natural Extracts
- 2 Foot Soak Packets (Fresh Citrus & Cypress Wood Scented)
o With Enzyme to speed up the peeling process
- 1 Smoothing Foot Scrub (Unscented)
o With Baking Soda
Day 1:
Soaking your feet prior to the foot peel treatment is suggested. We’ve created a soak containing an enzyme which helps prepare your feet for the peeling process. After soaking your feet for 10-15 minutes, put on the treatment booties, slip a pair of socks over them, and wear for 1 hour. Remove booties, rinse, and dry feet.
Day 2-5:
After Foot Peel application, repeat soaking your feet with the second pack of Foot Soak. The enzyme in the soak will help speed up the peeling process.
Day 3-7:
Once feet start to peel, gently massage Foot Scrub all around feet, including soles, toes, and ankles. Rinse feet thoroughly with warm water. Use 2-3 times per week as needed.